07 March, 2010

Chick Crap

Today I bought the perfect purse. I have been looking for a new purse since July. I am very picky when it comes to purses. I bought a purse when Les and I were in Vancouver last October, but it is a little too small and is made of nylon or polyester or something. It also has Vancouver 2010 Olympic logos on it, it is a nice souvenir, and I will most likely carry it again one of these days. But it is just not perfect.

After trying out several different types and styles of purses, I have finally narrowed down the perfect one for me. It has to be canvas, leather is much too likely to get eaten. It has to have a long strap that can go across me, if it only goes over one shoulder I will set it down somewhere and forget about it. It has to have lots of pockets and organizational structure or I will never find anything and be one of those annoying people who hold up the line at the grocery store.

Most of the purses I have found that meet all of my criteria look like diaper bags. I will not be seen carrying a diaper bag, I put up with enough shit from people already. I can't even get an upset stomach without someone asking if I am pregnant.

Today I found one that is like an organizer on a long strap, but with a purse pocket in the middle. And it is made of canvas. It is perfect and has made me extremely happy. It is rare for me to feel like such a girlie girl, but there isn't much girlier than getting excited over a new purse.

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