12 March, 2010

Spring Fever!

I have ants in my kitchen again. This, oddly, makes me happy. I am not happy that we have ants again, they ruin many things. But the fact that they are back makes me happy because it means Spring is closer than I thought.

Unfortunately this seems to be bringing out the weirdos to the Entiat Valley.(Photos by Monte, one of they guys on the bus in the morning.) The other night Les saw the dome light on in the car, and it turned off while he was outside. So someone had to have opened the car door, it wasn't just that he left it on. Nothing was missing but it was still weird. Last Saturday night there was a bonfire behind the store for no apparent reason and tonight I called 911 on some idiots who were in the field next door. They had a truck down in the field and flashlights and they started a fire. I've never called 911 for anything other than a car accident before.

Sometimes shit like this makes me want a gun. We just live so far away from anything. I think I would feel better if we had a gun in the house.

On one hand, it's not like we have kids in the house and it would make me feel safer. It would only be a small gun and, ideally, I would never use it.

On the other hand I would really hate for there to be some kind of accident. Plus, really hate those right wing nut jobs who scream about, “the government trying to take away our Second Amendment rights,” because they want to make it harder to buy assault rifles. And I don't want to be associated with them in any way (including being counted among gun owners.) Being related to them is bad enough.

I'll definitely have to think about it.

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